FoodLinc Vouchers

If you want to provide catering for guests or a visiting group but, don’t want a buffet then FoodLinc vouchers provide a convenient solution.

Voucher Values

FoodLinc Vouchers can be used for food and drink and are available in £1.80, £2.50 and £4.50 values.

We recommend £1.80 or £2.50 vouchers if you are providing a drink and a combination of vouchers to suit your budget if offering food and drink.

We have introduced a mid-range voucher to cover the broader range of drink sizes available across campus. With the new vouchers paper cups will be charged for when used.

Internal Voucher Purchases

Departments will be charged when vouchers are ordered rather than after use which means you no longer need to add account codes and dates to each voucher before issuing to guests.

We have reduced booklet sizes from 50 to 25 to minimise budget impact when smaller quantities are required. New FoodLinc vouchers have the value printed on them and a bar code which will be scanned at the till so this process will now be quicker.

How Do FoodLinc Vouchers Work?

FoodLinc Vouchers are available in books of 25, so just decide how many books of each voucher you need. FoodLinc vouchers can be used in any FoodLinc outlet.

You will be charged once you have ordered a book and books of vouchers will not be issued until payment has been received.

FoodLinc vouchers can only be used in FoodLinc outlets which excludes LPAC, Cafe Zing, Tower Bar, Engine Shed, and The Swan.

How to Order Vouchers

To order your meal and drink vouchers from Campus Services, you need to complete the FoodLinc Voucher Request Form via the following link: FoodLinc Voucher Request Form detailing the date, the number of books and value (each book contains 25 vouchers), requester name and contact number, account and cost centre codes. The form then needs to be signed by the budget holder for your department. The completed form should be e-mailed to specifying when you need them. Upon receipt of the budget codes the team will prepare and agree a time your vouchers can be collected. Please note voucher requests will not be processed unless active budget codes have been received.

To use them simply go to any FoodLinc outlet and pass to cashier as normal, please remind your guests the value of their vouchers and that anything over the voucher value must be paid for and that no change is given.


Additional Information

FoodLinc vouchers continue to have their value printed on them and a bar code has been added so transactions can now be scanned.

FoodLinc vouchers can be used in any FoodLinc outlet on campus, but they can’t be used on Lindons two self-serve tills.

We ask to be notified if over 30 vouchers will be used at a unit at any time or if it’s for a summer school or similar with an email to so we can increase our menu production to accommodate your visitors.